Release Notes

If you have a large format printer, having a good color chart is extremely useful to find color matches to physical samples. However finding a good color chart is hard, Standard charts such as Pantone don’t have enough colors, and standard CMYK color charts are not logical.

  • Hue based colors charts are superior to standard RGB or CMYK color charts:
  • Hue based charts are easier to find a color, as it’s how your brain thinks about color, lighter-darker, more or less saturated.
  • The lightness and saturation are nonlinear and are in finer steps in lighter and grey colors where the difference between colors are more noticeable.
  • More of the color range is covered, on default settings, there is usually only a 5 DeltaE or less difference between colors, If your printer can print the color .
  • RGB charts are perfect for Hi-Fi CMYK+ printing where you can specify a larger gamut.
  • It’s easy manually average the formula from two adjacent colors for even closer match.
  • LCH charts translate easily to Lab colors.


  • Complete control over layout.
  • Out of Gamut colors can be excluded or marked as out of gamut.
  • Choose the number of hue steps.
  • Create compact charts which you can lookup colors on reference charts.
  • CMYK or RGB Charts.
  • Colors are calculated based on your current Illustrator color profile.
  • (NEW) Create UNIQUIE NAMED colors and save these as Spot colors such as “H210-R-02” as RGB,CMYK or Lab spots
  • (NEW) Color names can be numerical or custom codes, with a custom prefix and divider


  • 1.1.4 (Requires 3.4.2)
    • Added ability to create Named Spot Colors
  • 1.1.2 (Requires 3.4.2)
    • Bug fix in UI Dropdown
  • 1.1.1 (Requires 3.4.2)
    • Updates for CC2018 compatibility