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Proof Color List


This PowerScript creates a list of colors from your document, perfect for quickly listing colors on approval forms or in asset documentation.

  • Create lists from selected shapes or swatches.
  • Only list Spot colors or include process colors as well.
  • Select the layout, including font size, rows and columns.
  • Choose a swatch shape such as circles, rectangles or custom shapes to be the swatch color.
  • NEW Preview the list of colors and edit the descriptions or uncheck them so they don't show
  • NEW Setup a colour library
    • Common colors such as CMYK 0,0,100,0 will be re-labeled as “CMYK Yellow”
    • Select the match type, an exact match, delta or close with a tolerance

Why is it needed

For approval forms, specifications sheets and the like the designer often needs to create a list of colors used in the artwork , this script simplifies the process. It can also pickup colors that should not be in the artwork, because the will also be listed.


Options Tab

Option Description
Source Select the source of the colours, Selection is the current selection in Illustrator, All Swatches or just selected Swatches
Include process colors If ticked then all colours will be listed, if un-ticked then just Spot colors will be listed
Include full color breakdown By default the name of the color is used, ticking this option will show the actual color formula in RGB, CMYK or Lab

Layout Tab

Option Description
Font The font used
Font Size the font size used
Text left padding This is the space between the color swatch shape the color name
Text Offset This is a vertical offset, which can be positive or negative, used the align the text to the color swatch shape
Vertical gutter The vertical space between color samples
Shape This is code used to generate the shape for the swatch shape. To create your own custom swatch shape, select a shape in illustrator and press the Use Selected Shape as Preview button
Rows The maximum number of vertical rows
Column Gutter The distance between columns
Move to a default position on the artboard Normally the color list is just placed under the current selection or artboard, choose this to move to a default X,Y position which corresponds to your approval form.